Thursday, April 15, 2010


"When war is declared, Truth is the first casualty"
- Arthur Ponsonby

So somehow, the conversation got onto the recent Winter Olympics today, with Brian Kim, a loud and proud* Korean nationalist spearheading the group, recapping the 'inspirational' performance of Kim Yu-Na 김연아**. Futhermore, that discussion was followed by the Korean speedskaters and their accolades.

Teacher: Whoopity do! Canada won the gold medal in Hockey, and as far as I am concerned, that is the only event involving an ice rink at the Olympics.
Brian Kim: But Korea is best at ice sport!
Teacher: Hogwash! Those are fighting words. Need I remind you that Canada was (writing it on the bored) 3rd in the medal count, and Korea was 7th.
Brian Kim: Yes teacher, but Canada is very big country! Korea is small.
Teacher: Really? Is this it? You want to start a little WAR here? Ok, where to start?
Brian Kim: (smug as a bug, in a hole he has just dug) Ok, teacher, yes WAR. Korea is so small, and Canada, so big.
Teacher: Ok, let's go there, hahaha, (drawing the massive country that Canada is on the board), Canada looks like this. And Korea, is about this size (drawing Korea inside of Canada, which essentially makes it look like a freckle. I'd call it a beauty mark, but let's face it, Korea is NO beauty mark).
Brian: (laughing, thinking his point is won) haha, Yes teacher! See, Canada is so big, that is why so many medal.
Teacher: But, you silly tit, you forget one important thing! (writing the following on the board) :
Canada = 33,000,000 people
Korea = 50,000,000 people
Sooooo many people in Korea. So many athletes! You have more advantage (before he has the chance to raise his little eager hand to ask what advantage means, I have already thumbed to the page in the dictionary, and shove it right into his more-than-likely-to-be-surgically-altered-in-the-future nose). Here, I hope you are hungry, cause it's time to eat your words.
Brian Kim: Oh teacher, still, Korea is best country! Canada is stupid!

Teacher: (moving on) Wow, look at this messy board I've just spent the last while writing on. This is terrible, WAR is a messy thing sometimes. Guess what Leo**, I know it is your turn to clean the board for teacher today, but Brian Kim is now going to clean it after class.
(Leo** gets out of his seat and jumps in the air, like he is giving his god a high five, or at the very least, a sloppy kiss).
Brian Kim: Teacher, THAT IS NOT FAIR!
Teacher: No, you're right, it isnt FAIR, it's warFARE.

* I would prefer to say he was a loud and proud homosexual, cause I'm absolutely fine with homosexuality, if not promote it as it would help the population crisis in Asia, but it's Korean Nationalism I have a problem with.
** I remind them, that since we are speaking English, she is Yu-Na Kim, not this family name first bullshit!
*** sadly, still pronounced LAY-O for some dick-dyke reason.

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